Saturday, July 23, 2011

Week in Review

This past week has been pretty low key for the kids and I compared to our usual nonstop schedule.  We tried out the new babysitter on Monday.  The kids loved her and are looking forward to next time.  I enjoyed getting out for a few hours even if it was to the dentist! 

The kids had their eye appointments and a check-up with their pediatrician.  The optometrist confirmed what Cameron's OT from Oklahoma had said about him needing vision therapy.  He basically has no control over his eyes (this is very apparent to anyone who has tried to take a picture of him).  The dr went on to explain how much this problem affects Cameron's everyday living.  He had a lense for me to look through to show me how Cameron sees.  I was shocked!  Everything was moving, blury, and unstable.  Cameron has never known anything different so he adapts very well, but many of his "issues" can be attributed to his vision.  So anyways...hopefully before too long he will be beginning vision therapy.  I am very excited and hopeful that this will make a big difference for him.  Kate will most likely be doing some vision therapy as well to help with her reading comprehension.  Dr.Guhl seems great and we look forward to working with him.

The biggest event of our week was my decision for the kids and I to make a trip to Springfield in August.  I had been watching airfares and was pretty disappointed that they had gone up.  I contemplated making the 19 hour drive (uhg!).  Just when I had about given up on the idea AirTran lowered their rates again.  What a blessing!!  I was so excited!!  So we have our flights booked, and are excited to spend time visiting with friends and family.  This will be the kids first time to fly.  It should be quite the fun experience!

We are now 9 weeks out from R&R, and the coutdown has begun!  We have not told the kids, and I am nearly bursting with excitement!! :~)

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